1st Virtual Global Mortars Seminar
20 June 2023
10.00 - 16:00 Central European Time (Berlin, Paris, Rome)
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Purchase the 1st Virtual Global Mortars Seminar Premium Delegate Pack
The Premium Delegate Pack is available for purchase (use the link below) for GBP£99.95 (includes on-the-day downloads of the presenter slides and full delegate list with opted-in emails).
The 1st Virtual Global Mortars Seminar covered developments and the state-of-the-art in the mortars industry around the world.
The conference is live and 'global,' and will take place on Central European Time (Berlin, Paris, Rome), as a compromise for the global audience.
Free registration includes attendance at the webinar, live Q&A, a download of the programme and basic delegate list, attendance at the post-event Zoom meet-up and access to the post-event video.
Seminar participants are automatically enrolled as registered users of Global Cement - including free news updates, magazine notifications and more.
For commercial enquiries, including sponsored presentations, please contact Paul Brown, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or +44 776 7475 998.
The organisers retain the right to rescind any registration at any time, for any reason, and to vary the programme and/or offering.
Programme 2023
Programme is on Central European Time (CET) - Paris, Berlin, Rome
Subject to change
09.00 'Registration' opens - Exhibition slides
Session 1
10.00: Welcome and house-keeping, Robert McCaffrey, moderator
10.10 Paper 1: 'Cellulose ethers and the water retention in cement drymix mortars: Structure and Performance,' Jörg Neubauer, Jenny Lebert, Jean-Paul Lecomte, Dow Silicones Belgium
10.35 Q&A
10.45 Paper 2: ‘Drymortar business in India - Overview & challenges’ Mandar Chitre, Baton Consultants Private Limited
11.05: Q&A
11.15 Paper 3: 'White CSA cement,' Ludo van Nes Blessing, Caltra
11.35: Q&A
11.45 Coffee break: Exhibition Time Slides, Sponsored Video Presentations
Session 2
12.10 Welcome back
12.15 Paper 4: 'Rheological investigations of cement pastes for the enhanced utility of blended cement,' Kalyana Rama, Civil Engineering Department, Mahindra University
12.35 Q&A
12.45 Paper 5: ‘AI-powered sustainability: Advancing reformulation techniques for faster innovation,’ Marlene Cardin, Prosensus
13.05 Q&A
13.15 Discussion and final comments
13.20 Programme end & Zoom informal discussion session